Mobile Apps
Enqbator developed the first-ever mobile app for EMS communication!
Your ER and EMS personnel need to stay in the loop. A lot can happen on the journey between the site of the emergency and the hospital, and if any new developments
spring up in the ER, the EMS workers need to know.
There's also the issue of traffic. Your EMS personnel need the fastest routes between the emergency and the hospital, with constant traffic updates they can avoid any and all slowdowns. Every
second counts in these situations.

EMS App Key Features
Physician On-Call
The App provides information about on-call physicians, as well as gate codes for the ER and OR.

From the site to the hospital

Messages and Updates
If anything changes in the ER, the app lets the EMS know.

Traffic Information
The app provides the best routes, avoids traffic jams and takes the direct path!
Success Story: Ascension Crittenton Hospital
Working with first responders at Rochester, Michigan's Crittenton Hospital, Enqbator was able to bring to reality this first ever dedicated EMS communication mobile app. Saving time and money, Enqbator's EMS App was able to bring added technical efficiency to the EMS field.